
I've decided that until I think of a good name for an actual site, my xanga will become the place where I post links to good music, A sort of mp3 blog and music discussion site if you will, where I talk about artists I find and give access to those artists' music. It's all legal and all virus free, I promise. No seriously, no feds will bust your heads for downloading this. So enjoy without worries.

Someone Else

Label: unfoundsound
Genre: Pop, Electronic, Beats, Experimental

For my first post I thought it would be best if I started with something interesting and weird for a serious listen or two, yet catchy and dancey enough for you also not care and just get up and move. Someone Else fits the bill, and  their music is as quirky and oddly humorous as their name sounds in that last phrase. I would suggest checking out Goofball for an interesting use of mouth clicks as part melody/ part support percussion.  Even after the gimmick wears off, I'm sure you'll still be satisfied with the the song's strong and danceable supporting beat.

Songs for download:
The Market

This is what a real goofball looks like:

Being as this is my first post in the new direction, please let me know what you think, whether it's worth it or if I'm just wasting my time

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